GU Health Insurance Review

The speciality of GU Health Insurance is that they have customised and made their policies to fit different corporation. All their products are aimed primary at companies and the employees working in them, however there are some circumstances where individual membership can also be offered. Looking at their history, it is interesting to see that in 2005 they merged with Australian Unity to provide healthcare, financing services and many more to over 500,000 people.

Having gone through everything on their website, I realised that all policies are tailored to fit the need of each organisation before they are written. This means every customer will get different coverage. Taking this into account, I actually thought it was a great way to ensure all policies issued will benefit the needs of the customers, since organisations come in different sizes, shapes and industries.

Generally speaking, you can expect to get hospital cover and extras covers.

I went through their website and came across a listing of benefits that can be obtained from GU Health.

You are free to choose the practitioner. The practitioner can be anyone as long as they can verify their qualification, and you will be able to make a claim and enjoy the health service without the expensive cost. I think this is one of the most important aspects to look out for when taking out insurance.

Unlike other corporate health funds, if you, the employee leaves the workplace, you will still have the chance to be insured. This in my opinion is a great way to ensure your health stays in the top shape, and I really recommend everyone to remember this point when considering GU Health. For those wondering, I read that the employee will have a chance to take out an individual cover.

Thirdly, the thing I felt is worth mentioning is that GU Health also has this program to make sure the company stays well. I was glad to see that a corporate wellness program is included in their policies and that it can help assist in treating several risk factors.

If you happen to be an employer or even an employee looking for health insurance, GU Health in my eyes would make a perfect fit. After going through all they offer, and learning about their benefits I am confident to say that GU Health is really one of a kind, and would no doubt offer the peace of mind any corporation would need.

GU Health Insurance has been rated 4 out of 5 by Insurance Reviews.

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