My Cover Insurance Review - Travel

My Cover is a quick and very recommendable travel insurance that lets customers obtain quotes and policies online. I was impressed by the way they listed all their different coverage directly on their website with plenty of explanations beside them. I thought it was very informative that they are able to provide such details straight out.

Individual pages were also available that showed further information. In my opinion, the protection offered by My Cover is great for anyone going overseas, travelling within Australia, as well as people that are wishing to get affordable policies.

The plan with the highest protection and the one I would definitely take out is the comprehensive international plan. As I can see, the cover starts at the time you leave your home, and the time you return your home, which is pretty much reasonable. In terms of the actual cover, it can be bought by Single, Duo and Family, which is good because this includes everyone. I was very pleased with the amount of cover because all of them were pretty high. For example, those that caught my eyes are up to $100,000 for additional expenses, $20,800 for loss of income, and $10,000 for alternative transport expenses. Seeing all these great features, I honestly think your time overseas will be guaranteed to be secured.

If you are deciding to stay in Australia and spend your time away at home, the plan for you is known as Australia Only. It contains a lot less benefits than the comprehensive plan; however it does include unlimited cancellation fees and lost deposits. Again, it can be bought in Single, Duo and Family. In my opinion, the limits for the other features are also pretty high as well, including up to $50,000 for accidental death and $5,000,000 for personal liability.

Now for the very interesting plan, I was intrigued by the name Budget Cover. Having a closer look, I learned that contain three features; three important and essential features, I should add, that should always be included. If you are someone that wants to save on travel insurance and only get the things you need, this plan would definitely be able to save you money. The coverage includes overseas emergency medical assistance, hospital expenses and personal liability.

To finish, the other plan you would likely expect is Frequent Traveller plan. As you may have guessed, the benefits are very similar to a single comprehensive. The main advantage of this plan is that you are able to take unlimited journeys a year as long as each trip is less than 37 days for leisure travels, and 90 days for business travels.

My Cover Insurance has been rated 5 out of 5 by Insurance Reviews.

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